I do not think that the "finger pointing" at foreign countries/people is a "trend". It is a way of thinking that has been taught to the Chinese population by a Govt. that doesn't want the people to think for themselves. The people have been indoctrinated (brainwashed?) into the Orwellian mindset of "Chinese good, foreigners bad". It's a type of mind control that is used by the CCP in order to scare and subjugate the masses by encouraging xenophobia. They teach their children to hate non Chinese people. Ask young Chinese people how they feel about Japanese people if you need proof of this. Who taught them to feel this way? Parents and teachers. Why are they taught to feel this way? Because it teaches them the "victim" syndrome. The Govt. want to encourage the Chinese people to feel "victimised" by non Chinese as it subconsciously reinforces the belief that they, the CCP, are the only ones that will "look after" them and thus prolong their rule.
For proof just look at who the CCP blames for the riots in Tibet. The Dalai Lama. Look at who they blame for the riots in Xingjiang. Rabia Kadeer. Both of whom they they branded as "outside influences" or in a word "foreigners" even though they are "Chinese". No evidence has been produced for either of these claims but many Chinese people believe them to be true simply because the CCP has told them to believe. By blaming "outsiders" they deflect attention from the true causes of those riots. i.e. The inequality that many people in those regions feel.
Why do you think that most Chinese people, including otherwise quite intelligent students, lack the ability to think critically? Because they have not been taught to think critically. It is beyond them. That's why many Chinese students that go to study abroad have to take critical thinking courses as part of their studies.(Maybe thats one reason why 70% of them never return to China.) If they had been taught this skill perhaps they would begin to think critically about the country they live in and the problems that exist there or, perhaps more dangerously for the CCP, about the way their country is governed.
Another trait I noticed with many Chinese people was the complete lack of personal and social responsibility. Again they have simply not been taught this by their parents or teachers. They have been taught and learnt that China is a "dog eat dog" society, it's "every man for themselves" and "s*d you Jack, I'm alright". Examples of this can be seen everyday everywhere you go in China. Why don't they queue? Why do they interrupt conversations with no thought for the people having that conversation? Why do they elbow and push their way so that they receive attention before anyone else? Why do they believe that they deserve attention before everyone else? Why are they so self centred and selfish? Because they have been taught to act in these ways!
Part of the Chinese "culture" is to NEVER admit that they have made a mistake or are wrong. They have to "save face" at all costs, even if it means lying. It can be something very trivial like forgetting something or something more serious such as theft. This "saving face" extends beyond their personal lives and ,in their minds, to the "saving face" of their "Motherland". They believe that a criticism of China is a direct criticism of themselves and any criticism no matter how constructive or trivial is not acceptable in the Chinese "culture".
Once people realise this it becomes understandable why the Chinese Govt. and people try to blame "outside forces" (foreigners) for problems that are in fact home grown Chinese problems. It's a way of not facing up to their responsibilities. If they faced up to and admitted that these problems existed they would "lose face" in a very big way and they will do anything not to "lose face". To admit that they are wrong is impossible for many Chinese people and all the CCP. To admit that very serious problems exist within China would be an admittance of failure as they see it. So they lie about these things.
Ask yourself what happens to the few people that are brave enough to question the decisions or actions of the CCP.Many of those Chinese people that believe that their society needs radical change are too scared to speak out about it. They would be arrested and imprisoned if they did. Just like the many thousands who have already been imprisoned for daring to question or criticise the CCP.
Every country in the world has serious problems. However most countries admit their problems and try to address them. China will not. China tries to brush their problems "under the carpet" and pretend they don't exist, either by banning reporting of them, denying them or blaming others. By doing this, by pretending these problems don't exist, they prolong and increase them. They are actually making those problems worse.
If you want to look into China's future, look into it's past.
It's not a pretty sight !