Which website are Chinese users swarming in on for the Jasmine Revolution?
2011-02-20 14:57:43 UTC
What website are Chinese users using for the Jasmine Revolution ?;_ylt=Aqus3L1fj5DTqke0rQYGAXtbbBAF;_ylu=X3oDMTNmYzQ3OTdrBGFzc2V0A2FwLzIwMTEwMjIwL2FzX2NoaW5hX2phc21pbmVfcmV2b2x1dGlvbgRjY29kZQNtcF9lY184XzEwBGNwb3MDNgRwb3MDNgRzZWMDeW5fdG9wX3N0b3JpZXMEc2xrA2NoaW5hdHJpZXN0bw--

CCP cannot block everything on the Internet. Many users have bypass. The CCP kidnapped China from the Chinese people. CCP pimped Chinese motherland and turns her into the biggest wh0re in the world. The motherland weeps while the people suffer. Only the pimp CCP gets filthy rich.

The CCP has always been afraid that Chinese populace may one day fight back. So it resorts to using force and deceptions to maintain power. It is time for TUIDANG.
Five answers:
2011-02-20 15:25:26 UTC
The websites that contributed greatly to Egyptian and Tunisian government downfall are social networking websites that follow by word of mouth - Twitter and Facebook. China has blocked those two unless you can bypass. You can try other sites like or or the numerous forums on the world wide web.
2011-02-22 03:30:52 UTC
Honestly? "Dozens of people"? Mark this answer down however you want, it doesn't change the fact the Chinese population is somewhere around 1.5 BILLION. A dozen jokers? Are you kidding me?

And online activities? There's more traffic on 4Chan in an hour than this "revolution" that I haven't even heard of. There's more violence in Iraq and Afghanistan today than in this... jasmine? What, like the tea? Who's the genius that thought up this ludicrous name?

Be a troll however you want, but you realise it's kind of sad, right?
2017-02-27 13:09:49 UTC
WikiPedia says: "Jasmine Revolution pertains to the protests for replace in authorities in numerous international places inclusive of Tunisia, Gabon, Albania, Iran, Morocco,Kazakhstan and China in 3 hundred and sixty 5 days 2010-2011 for a democratic way of governance." information replace: "a pair of thousand human beings gathered in front of a McDonald’s at substantial Beijing Wangfujing procuring district (purely down the line from Tiananmen sq.) on Sunday purely after 2 p.m., curiously waiting to protest. They have been actual and promptly outnumbered via hundreds of uniformed and plainclothes police surrounding and patrolling the district. Throngs of perplexed customers, seeing television crews and foreign places newshounds, craned in for a greater ideal investigate the scene. “Is there some style of overall performance happening?” one perplexed youthful guy asked. in actuality it did look purely approximately like overall performance paintings, and numerous different commentators have raised the question whether the entire factor grew to become right into a skit. yet on an analogous time, numerous admired rights attorneys went lacking over the weekend and China ratcheted up its filters on the information superhighway and media. specific words (inclusive of “jasmine”) have been blocked from micro-running a weblog web pages, on an analogous time as digital inner maximum networks, used to circumvent the great Firewall to get admission to blocked web pages consisting of Twitter, experienced ongoing outages and disruptions." EDIT: Are you from China? Has your authorities blocked something regarding "jasmine revolution" on your united states of america on line? enable me understand in case you go with from now on information. so a techniques, the Jasmine Revolution isn't even on a great scale there. i think of your authorities is intimidated.
2011-02-21 12:05:58 UTC
a fake revolution made up by western media to try and stir up mayhem. Funny how the 'revolution' was started by a western website in chinese.

"Police dispersed dozens of people who gathered in central Beijing and Shanghai on Sunday after calls spread on overseas Chinese websites urging "Jasmine Revolution" gatherings. The police and foreign reporters outnumbered aspiring participants and curious passers-by caught up in the crowd.

There were no signs of protests in Beijing on Monday.

"I don't think this was ever a serious plan. It was more like a performance or a stunt," said Cui Weiping, a Beijing-based scholar who said she was not allowed outside by authorities on Sunday. "In fact I'd never even had any involvement. They seem to have just confined anyone they could think of."

DOZENS OF PEOPLE not including passerbys!!! lol


2011-02-20 20:40:40 UTC


此次中國茉莉花革命行動還沒開始,就有內地網民於 Twitter上呼籲,把茉莉花革命變成一個持續行動,每逢周日下午兩時,或每月固定一個周日舉行活動。有內地自稱是中共黨內人士透過博訊網發文建議,通過網絡把「憤怒日」時間固定,告知天下,民眾將自發參與,中共勢將無暇自顧。

昨日,首次茉莉花行動結束後,北京異見學者張大軍也在 Twitter上表示,人民對中共維穩機器所發動的反擊,不一定是立即致命的,「但這種游擊式的反抗持之以恒,一定會大量消耗維穩機器的資源和能量,最終將維穩機器拖垮,我深信這一點」。


This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.