what major land formations and historical sites are located in Northwetern China?
2006-02-22 11:41:12 UTC
I need help with this question for school so please do not give me the complete answer.
Three answers:
2006-02-24 02:26:04 UTC
Northwestern China is mostly desert, prarie, and mountain. Northwestern China is mostly one province - Xinjiang, famous for large exapanses of rolling praries suddenly turning into desert. There is the famous Takla-mahan desert, for example. There are many old establishments along what used to be the silk road. Desertification in this area is occuring at an alarming rate, that's why the government of China has started the "Green Wall of China" program - they're planting more and more trees to act as a wind barrier to prevent soil erosion and desertification.
2006-02-23 16:09:21 UTC
Terra cotta soliders-- Xia

Mongolia-- were Ghenis Khan travelled?
2006-02-22 22:35:57 UTC
You can go to

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