Very interesting question. From my investigations and study of China and the Falun Gong I can see no evidence that Falun Gong did anything wrong.
From third party reports Falun Gong was highly respected and supported, awarded and even endorsed by the Chinese regime in the early 90's. It spread faster than any discipline in recent history. Unfortunately in China, all religions and spiritual disciplines must be controlled by the communist party and when they approached the founder of Falun Gong demanding to control it and profit on it he refused and so the Chinese regime started to attack it.
For the past 15 years basically every human rights group and every western government has reported on the grizzly torture and killing of Falun Gong practitioners including the harvesting of organs to fuel the Chinese government’s organ transplant trade.
In every genocide in our history, from WW2 to Rwanda, the #1 weapon has been hate propaganda that is used to hide the crimes of the state by painting the victim as deserving of what is happening to it. The Chinese regime calls Falun Gong a "Cult" "anti-China" "Political" as part of its propaganda and this is what has brainwashed most Chinese people to hate Falun Gong based on no fact what so ever.
However, it is interesting to note that Falun Gong has been practiced in over 120 countries since 1994 without a single incident. So the question has to be, Why are these so called crimes only happening in China? And IF Falun Gong is so bad then why does the Chinese regime forbid any outside media from investigating or even its own citizens from searching Falun Gong on Google?
The answer to this question is that based on Amnesty International and United Nations reports the Chinese regime has committed massive crimes against humanity against Falun Gong and today it is their main mandate to hide these crimes or they will face international justice. This is why they are still trying to eliminate Falun Gong.
This was confirmed by defected Chinese party official Chen Yong Lin who stated in his testimony to the U.S. House of Reps,
“The Chinese Communist Party has always relied on violence, lies, and advocating atheism to maintain its power. They could not understand Falun Gong practitioners’ peaceful efforts to protect their freedom of belief. Now they feel they cannot let international community know about what has been done to Falun Gong in China.”