So do I, and I don't feel it's a bad thing.
Most people lead boring, linear lives because they're too attached to their surroundings, or too afraid of the unknown outside world. In time they will conform to their surroundings, have biased views, and their entire world would be made up of the little they know around them.
There's a fitting Chinese proverb for these people - a frog stuck in a well. Since the frog never saw how vast the sky is, he assumes the sky is as large as the mouth of the well. Ignorance is bliss, but also kinda sad if you think about it.
The world is vast and fascinating, would you waste your life away in 0.0000000001% of that space, or travel around and embrace diverse cultures, see/hear/taste/touch new things, and make your life as worthwhile as you can?
Our experiences define who we are, I'd rather be a lot of things than just one, boring, insignificant thing.
Let those in your hometown have their old acquaintances and local gossip, you'll have seen things they would never have dreamt of.