Your statement is much more amusing than your weak attempt to cloud everything else. Sure there are good products made in China, there are also bad ones. Your lack of definition and differentiation proves nothing. International companies in China have good protocols, they make sure quality is not compromised for cheap cost. Thorough testing and standard safety measures are met. Local brands in China, most of which are counterfeits have no quality, minimal if any, not even warranty nor safety.
Known local brands in China such as Lining, Anta, Haier, among many others have good business strategy that's why they survived. Haier's story began as near broke bankrupt company, until their business idea shifted from Chinese business style mentality to Japanese style, I suggest you read about it.
Faked and counterfeit items made in China are abundant, they are not from legitimate manufacturing companies and have no quality control. The sellers of these fake items trick buyers because they have very similar designs.
Trick brands and cheap phony faked imitated copycat China brands like SQNY, Mike, HiPhone, Samsong, Tids(Tide), Okay(Olay), among many others, are plain faked packaging or designed dirt cheaps with nothing more than trying to copy known brands without any quality or safety standard at all.
I can put out fake name brands made in China twice the length than what you have. I am surprised at your knowledge of the products you mentioned, you seem to be an intelligent person, would you be so kind enough to tell us exactly which products under each company are actually being made in China? For instance Nike is a brand and company, it has manufacturing sites in at least 6 different countries. Which products under Nike are actually from China?