yes, very much. every time i heard something on tv or read something here on YA china section, my heart stopped my hands sweat my face red, i become very excited.....
Lim Yuan, the tap water in California has to be boiled first before drinking too, i heard some canadians and out of state people say california tap water is very bad...
and China has 5000 yrs of history, so of course we have ups and downs, can you imagine we have only ''ups'' and no ''downs'' for FIVE THOUSAND YEARS? the rest of the world would be SO jealous!!! LOL......
also a higher degree doesn't mean higher income all the time. my psychology professor said she made MUCH less money than her engineer husband, she also said many of her students in my college with only associate degree makes more money than her(like people in medical field). it really depends on what you do. a very smart successful realtor can make millions a year, that doesn't mean he/she must have a PhD first to be a realtor.
and of course a country cannot be perfect, don't compare extreme to extreme, Craftylass's students may have to go outdoor to pee in the middle of the night and use candle to do homework while China sends someone to the moon. However many 5 yr olds buy drugs on the streets in USA(i knew a lot of ex inmates from my last job) while i just heard NASA just sent something to the space again, and the freeway ramp near my home has more beggars recently while there are people living luxurious life in malibu beach houses too. If compare extreme to extreme, it's meaningless.
And China SHOULD be proud of the Olympics success. many athletes like runners are from poor village but they know how to run fast, so they win gold medal, so chinese are proud of them, what's wrong with that? Zhang Yimou made a very good opening ceremony for 2008 Olympics, it's like art, i saw that DVD in Blockbusters here, yes, 2008 Olympics opening ceremony is for rent on DVD. If something is done excellently, why shouldn't we celebrate it and be proud of it?
@Lim Yuan, WHY IS IT SO HARD TO BOIL SOME WATER? you put water in a pot, you turn on stove or fire, you turn off fire once it's boiled, done! just like that.
in fact, ALL tap water should be boiled, because water has bleach and corrosion residue from the water pipe, copper, mercury, cadmium etc...all that nasty stuff. u don't know what you are getting from drinking directly from a tap.